Project status

  • Holding information
  • Active information
  • Closed for comments
  • Planning submitted
  • Planning decision
  • In construction

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Thorpe Park Solar Farm

Low Carbon's proposed approximately 30 megawatt (MW) Thorpe Park Solar Farm is being reviewed by Tendring District Council (planning ref 22/02117/FUL ).

The site is relatively isolated, located approximately 1km to the south of Thorpe-le-Soken on two parcels of land which are intersected by the Sunshine Coast railway line.

The site has a proposed 48.3% increase in habitat units, such as bird and bat boxes etc. and 858.5% increase in hedgerows.

  • Project Status

    Planning submitted

  • Site address

    Land south of Thorpe-Le-Soken

Thorpe Park Solar Farm

Low Carbon has resubmitted a full planning application for a proposed solar farm, located approximately 1km to the south of Thorpe-le-Soken on two parcels of land which are intersected by the Sunshine Coast railway line (REF. 22/02117/FUL )

We are very pleased to report that there have been no public objections during the statutory consultation period with one letter of support from Little Clacton Parish Council.

We engaged with the Council and consultees to overcome all comments that have been raised and as a result, there are no outstanding objections to the scheme.

The site is well screened by the rail embankment, topography and existing vegetation, with very few houses within 400 metres and there are no Public Rights of Way (PRoW) which run through the site.

In today's climate emergency, biodiversity gain is very important in developments and we are pleased to improve this site with a 48.3% increase in habitat units, such as bird and bat boxes etc. and 858.5% increase in hedgerows.

Well designed, sympathetic renewable energy projects like Thorpe Park Solar Farm need your support. Let your Planning Committee know you support Thorpe Park Solar Farm, by submitting a comment of support on the Tendring District Council Planning Portal website.

Site Location

The proposed project is a solar farm located approximately 1km to the south of Thorpe-le-Soken on two parcels of land which are intersected by the Sunshine Coast railway line.

Thorpe Park Solar Farm will have the capacity to produce approximately 30 megawatts (MW) of clean electricity. This site will produce enough renewable electricity to provide power to approximately 9,600 homes each year as well saving over 5,400 tonnes of CO2.


  1. March 2021

    EIA Screening & Parish Consultation

    Completed 2021-03-31
  2. June -July 2021

    Community Consultation

    Completed 2021-07-07
  3. December 2022

    Planning application resubmission to Tendring District Council

    Completed 2022-12-19
  1. Summer 2022

    Tendring District Council will consider and determine the application

  2. Spring/Summer 2023/4

    Commencement of Construction (if planning permission is granted)

Additional Information

Following discussions with the Tendring District Council, we have resubmitted our application with no changes and are working with the Council to overcome comments raised in the decision notice. There are no outstanding objections to the scheme.

Please click here to view the application (reference number: 22/02117/FUL)

  1. Completed
  2. Completed
  3. Completed


Across our UK-wide portfolio of renewable energy projects, we have championed biodiversity as a critical milestone on the journey towards a low-carbon future.

Across all our solar parks we work with landowners and developers to implement comprehensive land and biodiversity management programmes. Each aligns with the conditions and circumstances unique to its site. Yet while we are pledged to protecting existing flora and fauna, most parks benefit still more from the introduction of extensive new planting and husbandry measures.

As sites mature, ongoing development will realise an increasing diversity of habitats and species: from meadows, hedgerows, wildflowers and woodland to sheep, bees, birds, bats, reptiles and invertebrates.

  • Biodiversity

  • PROW

  • Beehives

  • Sheep

  • Planting


Here is a selection of questions that have been asked relating to solar farm installations/builds.

Are there any health risks associated with being in close proximity to solar panels?

Solar panel arrays do emit electric and magnetic fields (EMF) in the same extremely low frequency ranges as electrical appliances and wiring found in most houses and buildings.

The average daily background exposure to magnetic fields is estimated to be around one mG (milligauss – the unit used to measure magnetic field strength), but can vary considerably depending on a person’s exposure to EMF from household electrical devices and wiring.

The lowest exposure level that has been potentially associated with a health effect is three mG. Measurements at three commercial PV arrays in Massachusetts demonstrated that their contributions to off-site EMF exposures were low (less than 0.5 mG at the site boundary), which is consistent with the drop off of EMF strength based on distance from the source (2015, Clean Energy Results).

Will there be noise and visual impacts from Thorpe Park Solar Farm?

As part of our design of the project, we ensure the levels of noise produced by the equipment onsite is within an acceptable range. Low Carbon will comply with any noise conditions stipulated by the planning authority.

Similarly, studies are ongoing to ensure the visual impact of the Solar Farm on the local landscape is minimised. This will include screening and the installation of other mitigation measures in the appropriate locations around the perimeter of the land available for the project.

Will Thorpe Park Solar Farm use land that could be used from growing crops for food production?

There is always a balance to be found when new development comes forward, with many factors and impacts to consider. Due to its proposed location, Thorpe Park Solar Farm will potentially utilise land that could be used for agricultural production.

However, the land take involved is minimal in the context of food production across Essex and allows clean energy to be generated at greater scale and efficiency than rooftop alternatives.

Key Project Documents

In this section, you will find key information about the project which you able to download and view or print at home.

  • Indicative Site Layout

    The layout plan submitted with the planning application.

  • Illustrative Landscape and Biodiversity Layout

    This layout which is part of the Landscape and Visual Appraisal report, shows the proposed planting for this site as well as the existing vegetation which isn't removed as part of the construction.

  • Landscape Character Layout

    This plan which forms part of the Landscape and Visual Appraisal report shows the different characteristics of the land within and around the site.

  • Site Context and Local Character Layout

    This plan which forms part of the Landscape and Visual Appraisal report, shows the character within the land nearby the site, such as Public Rights of Way and receptors nearby such as shopping facilities and rivers.
